Malta 2025 – Megalithic Temples & Earth Energies

The Metaphysical language of Gaia

16th – 22nd September 2025

Deposit £300 – NON-REFUNDABLE

Final instalment £800

Pay in Full £1100

Malta is enchanting and the goddess temples are divine

Budget tour open to all with leading earth energy author Maria Wheatley

We will visit numerous sacred sites and explore life-changing earth energy patterns and ley lines that underpin the Maltese Temples in the Land of the Goddess. We will learn how to dowse and interact with certain earth and aerial energies and discover the long-lost civilisation that constructed the vast and power temples hewn from stone.

PLEASE NOTE: This budget tour requires you to book and pay for your own flight, hotel/accommodation, food and beverages. The tour provides you with transportation to the sites, including a ferry to Gozo. You need to pay all entrance fees (see link at the end of the tour description on how to buy your multipass entrance ticket.)

I will be staying at Europa Hotel in Slimea (approximately 60-90 Euro per night if booked in advance, or book an Air B and B). There are several hotels nearby such as Hotel Roma, so plenty to choose from. Pick up point each day for the tour will be the lobby of Hotel Europa. Do not book your flight or hotel until you are guided to do so the tour requires the minimum of 8 people. I will contact you.


Day 1 – Tuesday 16th September 2025

Make your way to Malta… and we will meet in the lobby of Hotel Europa at 6 pm in Sliema to meet each other and go out for a relaxing dinner. We can get to know one another and I will discuss the sites that we will be visiting. We will be staying in Sliema, which has many restaurants and shops.


Day 2 – Wednesday 17th September 2025

Exploring the sacred goddess temples of Hagar Qim and Mnajdra .

9.45 AM – We will meet in the lobby of Hotel Europa and we will be driven to the temple of Hagar Qim (ha-jah-een). Located on a hilltop overlooking the sea, this sacred temple is one of the best-preserved temples in Malta.

The rich honey coloured and decorated limestone temple is truly inspiring and was encoded and programmed to release ultrasound as Maria will reveal. Dated to c3600 to 3200, I suggest that the long skulled priestess-hood, astronomers and geomancers, constructed Hagar Qim. 

The archaeologist, Mariija Gimbutas, suggests that these inner temples are womb spaces of the Great Goddess and interestingly, we shall see how the energy patterns and lines are invariably feminine but relate to a masculine yang line can be seen as a phallic energy, a fertility line of potent force. The earth energies of this temple offer transformation, knowledge and growth…

Encoded into the temple’s artwork is the key to an earth energy pattern representing the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life and I will show you over 60 years of dowsing research into this incredible symbolic association. Encounter the Earth Dragon Earth energy that rises out of the ground, is known by some Chinese geomant families as the Rising Serpent or Dragon – is a powerful force that fills the site with unseen energy. We will locate this area within the temple space. A pulse point of the dragon…

Megalithic Energy of Hagar Qim Certain stones produce a phenomenon called concentric circles or shells, which I discovered are intimately related to SOUND HEALING, which we will explore in detail.

Lunch at the nearby Hagar Qim Restaurant (if open) or ideally bring a packed lunch

Mnajdra (mna-ee-dra) Temple of the Goddess touched by the Sun

After a relaxing lunch, we will visit the golden temple of Mnajdra. 

To most ancient cultures, the feminine number Three represents the New, Full and Old Moon as the Triple Goddess of Maiden, Mother and Crone (Grandmother, wise woman). We can see this symbolism first hand at the Mnajdra complex. Walking around this site, which has upper and lower floors stirs the emotions. Mnajdra consists of three conjoined temples which overlook an oval forecourt. This sacred power place has unique earth energies such as – Earth Vortex Energy that a European Master Dowser taught me how to recognise and interpret.

Master Dowsers’ depiction of an involution vortex point

The first and oldest temple section dates back to c3600-3200 BC, which is the dating of the Long Skulled Priestess-hood. Yet, the most striking of the temples is the third temple space dated to c3150-2500 BC. Some stone slabs are decorated with artistic spiral carvings and pitted patterns. The porthole shows how well the temple was designed, however, metaphysically, portholes allow the free flow of energy within and without of the site. In the British Isles, these are known to geodetic dowsers as Spirit Holes and some old medieval churches incorporated them at ground level following the traditions of their pagan predecessors.

Astronomical Alignments

The lower temple area is astronomically aligned to bring a union of the Sun-Male to the Goddess–Mother Earth. On the equinoxes the light rays of the Sun pass through the temple’s main entrance and illuminate the main axis; bringing an alchemic marriage to the land and its people.  Additionally, when the Sun reaches the summer solstice it lights up the edge of a megalith on the left-hand side of the doorway, and on the winter solstice, the Sun lights up the edge of the stone on the right side.

Earth Energy Activation: The Metaphysical Language of Stone

Maria will explain some of the secrets of standing stones, for example, whenever a celestial body crosses the horizon line, this causes a megalithic effect called a ‘sheer force’ that charges the megaliths sited close to a fault line to be filled with a mild form of electricity. It can activate the stone or earth energy present and this can be felt or dowsed.

Day 3 – Thursday 18th September 2025 Skorba temple and the Ta Hagrat temple

Skorba temple is the megalithic vestiges on the northern edge of Zebbieg, which gives an insight into the earliest periods of Malta’s prehistoric culture. The site was excavated in the early 1960s and became an UNESCO World Heritage Site. The standing stones, one of which is 11.15 feet (3.4 meters) tall, make it appear like a guardian stone. Originally, the entrance of the temple opened onto a court area, but at a later date, it was closed off, a common feature throughout the prehistoric world. Excavated deposits at its deep floor level contained material from the early human occupation of the island, dating back to the Mesolithic period some 7,000 years ago.

After lunch we will visit Ta Hagrat temples in Mgarr

Earth Energy Arches at Skorba temple and the Ta Hagrat temple

Akin to the Hindu and some Chinese temples, the entrance megaliths are sited on an energy pattern which can create an Arch Energy and this can also occur at sites with stone lintels like at Stonehenge. We will experience and dowse for this arch energy.

The larger Ta Hagrat temple is very powerful. Dated to 3600–3200 BC, BC, this site is unique as we can mediate, touch and feel the stones, making this a memorable experience. We will dowse for several different types of earth energy.

Day 4 – Friday 19th September 2025

The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum and the Archaeological Museum in Valletta Subject to availability.

Entering the womb of the Goddess and experiencing the Holiest of Holies. Subject to availability.  

Repressed History, revealed by Maria, is the legacy of a long-skulled Neolithic people written out of history. Maria discovered the longheaded people of the British Isles (and Europe). Last year she was told that some of the Maltese longheaded skulls were removed and passed to a British University for tests. Maria noted the Maltese skulls are identical to those of Stonehenge and Egypt. Elongated skulls were found in Malta and described in the National Geographical Magazine May 1920 is a fact.

The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum is an underground prehistoric temple, which archaeologists interpret as an elaborate burial site. It is not, it is a womb temple of Gaia. Discovered in 1902 during construction works, this extraordinary living temple was first excavated by Emmanuel Magri between 1904 and 1906. He died in Tunisia, sadly, his excavation notes have been lost, and excavations were taken over by Sir Themistocles Zammit. The Hypogeum is totally unique made up of interconnecting rock-cut chambers set on three distinct levels. Date to around 4000 BC, the temple was used until c2500 BC.

Celestial Connections: An Astronomical temple area

The uppermost level consists of sacred chambers which may have been originally exposed to the sky as an astronomical area. Much remains uncertain. Excavations in the early 1990s indicate that there might also have been a monumental structure marking the entrance. An entrance leads to the ‘Middle Level’, which contains some of the most amazing features within the Hypogeum, such as the intricate red ochre wall paintings and beautifully carved features. The deepest of the three levels is known as the ‘Lower Level’, which is accessed down several steps into a sacred chamber known as the ‘Holy of Holies’.

We will enjoy a relaxing lunch in the beautiful city of Valletta. After lunch we will explore the Archaeological Museum in Valletta (optional or your own time in the city centre)

The museum houses the original stonework of some of Malta’s temples, goddess statues and artefacts. It is well worth spending some time walking around and you will also see the ionic Sleeping Goddess.

Valletta is wonderful to walk around

Day 5 – Saturday 20th September 2025

The enchanting Island of Gozo

We will catch the ferry from the north of Malta to the island of Gozo. Gozo is welcoming and relaxing and is unspoilt by modern day high-rise hotels and modern shopping malls. Ggantija Sacred Temple is one of the most important archaeological sites in Malta. Ggantija dates back to the ‘Ggantija phase’ of 3600 BC – 3200 B.C. John Otto Bayer was the first to excavate the temples in 1827. Extensive archaeological and restoration work was carried out in the early 20th century to ensure its longevity and preservation. This megalithic complex consists of two temples surrounded by a massive boundary wall, which is one of the most striking features of the entire complex.

Some of the megaliths exceeding 16.4 feet (5 metres) in length and weighing over fifty tons. The earth energy explanation for the location of the wall allows us to understand the sensitivity of our ancient ancestor’s relationship with the Earth Mother. We will locate, dowse and interact with this form of geodetic energy that imbues the site with living power. We will also dowse the megalithic aura of the site.

The apses

Built with limestone blocks, the temples of Ggantija each contain five apses connected by a central corridor leading to the innermost trefoil section. The first temple is larger and contains altars, relief carvings and ‘libation holes’. At a later date, the second temple was built and is devoid of these ritual features, which suggests a different use. Corbelling techniques are evident on the inwardly inclined walls, suggesting that the temple was roofed creating a holy sacred temple.

Earth Energies

We will dowse for the primary mother line that enters the monument and divine its radiant colour properties. We will also discover how the earth force and colour influences us on an individual level.

After a relaxing lunch we will return to Malta by ferry.

Day 6 – Sunday 21st September 2025

Tarxien Temple Malta and the mysterious cart ruts that are vanishing

Tarxien Temple takes your breath away. The soft honey coloured limestone is richly decorated with spiral patterns and animal figures. You will see the bull motif which is a feminine symbol associated with the Moon and the Astrological Age of Taurus – the era when the temples were used. Once a giant statue of the goddess watched over you as you walked into the temple; and although she was badly destroyed, and just the lower half of the statue has survived the passage of time, the goddess is ever-present.

Everywhere you look, you will see beauty and the remains of an artistically minded civilisation. Today, despite the transition from sacred space to cityscape, you can still find peace amid this spiritual centre.

The earth energy at Tarxien is very strong and aqustats and yang stream course through the temple making this a temple place of balance and harmony.

Although denied by the Maltese Museum, this site, like the other Neolithic sites, was built by the Elongated Skulled people. These people were the ruling elite or the priesthood, and as we have seen, the Maltese skull is identical to the female long skull of Stonehenge that I located to an English University. Also, the Maltese long skulls are identical to a male skull I have recently tracked down near Glastonbury. The temple was also re-used between 2400 and 1500 BC.

Earth Energies

We will dowse for earth energies that emerge from certain areas as well as a powerful ley line and Maria will discuss how ley line energy can be deflected as well as the dowsing concept of Loose Aerial Ley Energy – over 50 years of research information.

 In the afternoon we will visit the remains of the cart ruts at ‘Clapham Junction’.

The most popular area in Malta for cart ruts is ‘Clapham Junction’ (Misrah Ghar il-Kbir) due to the vast amount of trackways going in many directions like a crazy spaghetti junction. We need to see these as they are being destroyed… There is a quarry nearby running this area – let us honour that which was… This is a mystery being destroyed before our eyes… Adding intrigue to our enquiry some the Cart Ruts on the islands of Malta lead straight off high cliffs and isolated headlands. Stranger still, some of them lead into the sea and on the seabed floor.

Day 7 – Monday 22nd September I am departing from Malta but feel free to stay longer and arrange your own leaving date.


I will contact you when to purchase your flight.

YOU WILL NEED TO PURCHASE A MULTIPASS: I suggest you buy a multipass for entrance to all the sites (except the Hypogeum) for around 50-60 Euros and you will need this pass for the Skorba temples and the Ta Hagrat temples as they cannot be bought on site. It’s easy – just buy on line at the link here

NOTE: I will hopefully buy 10/20 Hypogeum tickets, subject to availability, and you will reimburse me – the cost 38 Euros per person.


Expert guidance by Maria Wheatley.

Earth Energy interaction.

All transportation to the sites from Hotel Europa. 10-4 PM ON MOST DAYS.

Dowsing tuition and interaction with earth energies.

Ferry costs to Gozo. 


Soul Star Past Life Astrological reading £60.00 on the island at a chosen sacred site. I will need your date, time and place of birth prior to the visit.

Tarot readings 30 mins: £60.00

Past life regression sessions 2 hours £300 subject to availability of time.


You will need to buy all your flights, food and drink.

You must have your own travel insurance.

You are responsible for your own medication and health issues/concerns/accidents, for example food allergies, diabetes or any health aliment that occurs, falling or stumbling at a sacred site or whilst walking or running on the tour. If you miss the bus/day if you arrive late will be your fault. The bus leaves at 10 am on most days and you will be told the start time at the end of each day.


Your deposit is non-refundable as it secures your place, if it is cancelled by Maria Wheatley, your deposit will be refunded less PayPal fee and PayPal conversion fee.

You need to bring walking shoes and wear sensible clothes.

Temperature in September is approximately 23-29 Celsius (73-84 Fahrenheit)

Most people speak English in Malta.

The style of electrical plug is UK standard.

The currency is Euro.

The tour itinerary may be subject to change.