Aerial Tours

We offer exclusive and individually tailored helicopter flights. Flying over the ancient sites is a once in a lifetime experience. Seeing the vast ceremonial landscape from the air is breathtaking and awe-inspiring.

We will show you over five thousand years of history, from prehistoric stone circles, Iron Age Celtic hill forts, and castles to Saxon earthworks associated with legendary British Kings and the traces of long gone medieval villages.

During the summer months crop circles surround the ancient sites of Wessex. Crop formations can be complex and experts claim they encode sacred geometry and hidden meanings. Viewed from the air, the circles can be fully appreciated and we can fly around them to get a 360° perspective.

The county of Wiltshire has an abundance of prehistoric sites, from Stonehenge to the White Horse of Uffington. The authors of Discovering Wiltshire, Maria Wheatley and Busty Taylor, fully researched over 120 ancient sites and can reveal some of the lesser well-known sites which are buried deep within the countryside.

Avebury Henge megalithic complex
Silbury Hill
West Kennet and East Kennet long barrow
Windmill Hill ceremonial enclosure
Roman burials and ritual sites
Crop Circles – June to late August

Stonehenge Henge
Ancient settlements
Earthen circles
Druidic capitals
Lost archaeological sites only visible from the air

Uffington White Horse – the oldest chalk hill figure in the country
Uffington Castle
Dragon Hill
Wayland’s Smithy long barrow

Fly with the pioneer of crop circle photography who will guide you to taking the most stunning aerial photographs. Our flight package will include a signed copy of Discovering Wiltshire and Avebury, Sun, Moon and Earth.

Group bookings of six people will reduce the overall cost of a flight making it an affordable luxury. Email or call Maria on 01672 511427 to discuss your flight and your personal journey across the ancient landscape.