Dowsing Ancient America: America’s Stonehenge 

May 17th and 18th 2025


Beltane Weekend

For thousands of years America’s Stonehenge has held its secrets of time past; why was it built and by whom? This vast complex incorporates megalithic chambers, unusual stone settings and serpentine walls with ‘spirit holes.’

Calling me across time, the atmospheric stone chambers remind me of England’s finest Neolithic long barrows that I discovered were constructed by the longheaded geomancers. Like the long barrows, America’s Stonehenge integrated earth energies, some of which extraordinary that emerge and converge, rise and set from within the chambers. The whispering earth energies show us how the monument was once used.

Secrets of the Stones

Standing stones emit several types of aerial energy and Maria and her team measured their Hertz frequencies that influence us in many ways. She suggests that the priest/esshood understood them and thus knew how the monument functioned on an esoteric level. Find out more about the mysteries of Mystery Hill with Maria Beltane 2025 when certain earth energies are incredibly strong. This weekend is for beginners or experienced dowsers alike.

Exclusive Private Time

Dennis Stone, the owner and guardian of America’s Stonehenge, will kindly permit us to have some exclusive private time within one of the chambers. Dennis will join us to explore one of the serpentine walls and his expertise is second to none. Again, I noted that England’s serpentine walls of Dartmoor, that likewise have spirit holes, similarities that unite ancient America to England’s most distant past. America’s Stonehenge has much in common with the Stonehenge and sacred sites in England.

This dowsing weekend covers how to dowse for:

Earth Currents – emergence and convergence points

Spiral Energies

Chakra PowerPoints

Ley Lines

Underground water veins

Primary Haloes

Vortex Energy

A Magic Geodetic Square

Megalithic power points/frequencies

Maria will also show you Sacred Geometry and how earth energies relate to music – the music of Gaia.

Join Maria Wheatley for a weekend to remember interacting with Gaia’s Earth Energies and decoding the clues left behind by geomancers and dowsers of yester year.