The Elongated skulls of Stonehenge And A Forgotten Goddess Cult
© Maria Wheatley.
During my investigations of the Stonehenge environs, I made a fascinating ground-breaking find and discovered the elongated people of Stonehenge. On the Salisbury Plain not far from Stonehenge, I located the long barrow of a high-ranking woman of Stonehenge who was probably a High Queen or High Priestess. I tracked down her skull to a box in a University, met her face to face, and promised to tell her long lost history and story to the world. The elongated skulled people of Stonehenge were once the Neolithic rulers that laid down the ley line network and looked for a special type of earth energy. They were eventually murdered in the Stonehenge landscape is Part 1 of their forgotten history.
You can find out more of Part 1 in my booklet The Elongated Skulls of Stonehenge and the whole story Part 2 and 3 in my forthcoming book and documentary on Stonehenge.
Stonehenge overlooks the windswept Salisbury Plain. Salisbury Plain is a dramatic landscape of extremes, containing the largest remaining area of natural chalk grassland in northwest Europe and also the largest military training area on British soil. Stonehenge is surrounded by military establishments such as Larkhill, Boscombe Down, Porton Down Nuclear Biological Centre, and Bulford Camp to name but a few.
Salisbury Plain can be likened to Area 51 in the USA as the Ministry of Defence (MoD) manages the Plain, which is approximately 26 miles by 26 miles and within the military ‘Red Flag’ Danger Zone public access is denied.
However, certain parts of the Plain are accessible and it has a seductive beauty; the chalk grassland is charming and Plain makes you feel alive. With no main roads just small track-ways the Plain is quiet, swiftly taking you back to a time that was.
Hidden from public view, numerous ancient sites are located within the Plain’s prohibited zone and their untold history will cast new light upon prehistoric mysteries and more importantly on the people that constructed them.
I am a professional dowser and using dowsing alongside other esoteric disciplines I discovered one of Stonehenge’s best kept secrets – I found the Elongated People of Stonehenge and their Neolithic High Queen. My findings have not gone by unnoticed by the lofty halls of academia. My book The Elongated Skulls of Stonehenge was requested by the Bodleian Library of Oxford University, The Cambridge University Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales and Trinity College Dublin. That’s every single large university in the UK.
I discovered that the long barrows of Salisbury Plain contained the elongated dolichocephalic skulls of the people that once lived close to Stonehenge and their history has gone by unnoticed for nearly 6000 years.
The largest long barrow in North West Europe
Located on the edge of the Plain, an unassuming track leads to a forgotten processional way, which silently guides you to the largest Neolithic long barrow in the North West Europe and to the memory of a long gone Neolithic woman and a lost civilization. Her forgotten history reads as if it came from an Agatha Christie novel.
Whilst excavating long barrows, the early archaeologists repeatedly noted that the long mounds contained numerous communal burials sometimes as many as 50 individuals. When first excavated it was thought that the colossal over sized ‘mega long barrow’ on Salisbury Plain would contain hundreds of skeletons, like a gigantic graveyard, full of Neolithic people who once lived and worked on the Plain. It didn’t.
Without doubt, it came as a shock to the early excavators that beneath the massive mound there was only a single burial. Instantly, it was realised that this was highly unusual and an extraordinary find. Generally, it was anticipated that the finds from a smallish long barrow would yield around 15-20 individuals. Whoever this person was must have been considered especially important, as a single burial within a long mound was exceptionally rare. A second revelation followed that stunned the Victorian archaeologists–it was a woman. We rarely hear of Britain’s prehistoric females, except for Boudicca the brave Iron Age Iceni Queen. We presume the leading figures, rulers and the architects of prehistory were male.
During the Bronze Age, ornate and beautifully crafted grave goods were invariably found alongside male burials. However, the largest barrow in Britain ever raised was the final resting place of a high profile woman. Not everyone in prehistory had a lavish burial. There were Neolithic flat graves (similar to today’s burial practices), a far cry from the well-designed long barrows, some of which housed the burial deposits of the elite. Considered important enough to be a single burial, this lady must have been royalty, a priestess, or a high–status member of the early Stonehenge community. She was special–possibly a Neolithic High Queen. Yet another shock followed. She had been violently murdered.
The largest long mound in Britain. Prior to early excavations the mound stood unmolested for more than 5000 years. Photograph ©2015 Maria Wheatley

High Queen of Stonehenge
During my research, I noted that this section of the Plain is different to anywhere else in Neolithic Britain, which was generally considered to have been a peaceful utopia. Indeed many places were peaceful, as signs of warfare are few, but not in the Stonehenge environs. Here certain people were despised, as murders were more frequent in this region than anywhere else in prehistoric England. Even more perplexing and adding intrigue to our enquiry is that the majority of murder victims were buried in relatively close proximity to one another. All of the long mounds close to the Neolithic Queen’s long grave contained murder victims.
These people, probably the ruling class, had another thing in common they had elongated skulls compared to the rounder skulls of the ‘other’ people of the Neolithic period.
In one long barrow that is situated high on the Plain, a large proportion of the locale male population, around 25 men, all of whom were in their prime, as well as some small male children, appear to have been rounded up and slaughtered in a genocide attack to eradicate the prehistoric elite of dolichocephalic skulled people that were possibly holding positions of power in the Stonehenge environs.
Other long barrows tells a similar story as there are signs of murder in most of the earthen mounds that adorn the mystical Plain.
Slowly and surely, these enigmatic people were killed. In fact very old antiquarians called the long mounds of Neolithic Wessex ‘Battle or Warrior Barrows’ as they recognised the murders victims therein and thought they were warrior lords. This fact has been overlooked by modern day archaeologists who prefer their own version of prehistory rather than the cold reality.
My research led to another startling conclusion about the Elongated people of Neolithic Stonehenge. The monuments that they constructed were also elongated in shape. This is a staggering new find that reveals the similarities between skull and monument.
The Stonehenge Greater Cursus

Cursus monuments were the largest monuments to be constructed on prehistoric British soil. They were gigantic. The Stonehenge Greater Cursus has been dated to c3800 BC which formed a large enclosure located half a mile (800 metres) north of Stonehenge. Consisting of two roughly parallel banks and ditches around 310 feet (100 metres) apart the monument coursed for nearly 1.75 miles (3 km).
There are many other cursuses in Britain, the largest of which is found in Dorset which is over 7 miles (10 km) long. They take their name from the 18th century antiquarian, William Stukeley, who believed them to be Roman racetracks. Cursus is Latin for running and movement. Today, nothing exists of the once gigantic monument which was aligned roughly east–west gazing towards the equinox sunrise. The western end was drawn by Stukeley which is shown in the illustration, but it was less round and more square-like than the illustration depicts. At the eastern end, there is a long barrow which is now badly damaged. The western end was ploughed out in the late 1940s and has since been reconstructed (poorly).
Ever obsessed with death, the archaeological explanation is that the long Cursus was used as a processional way for funeral rites or rituals. Odd then that the Stonehenge expert and top archaeologist, Michael Parker Pearson, points out the monument did not have an entrance. Perhaps, with its large chalk walls it was more like a machine than a monument. I have shown that the near-centre of this monument is associated with radiation levels and that the nearby round barrows release strange frequencies showing our ancestors to be prehistoric physicists. Today, the area is bombarded by military electronic signals making civilian research difficult.
Half a mile (800m) north-west of the Stonehenge Cursus was once the Lesser Cursus, now sadly ploughed out, which ran for a quarter of a mile (400 metres). The elongated skulled people were designing and erecting the largest monuments ever constructed in prehistoric Britain which were elongated in shape.
Another mound where the Elongated Ones were buried was Belas Knap in Gloucestershire. The front end has a ‘false entrance’ which was designed to look like an entrance however the entrance was blocked by a stone. Inside of the blocked wall section archaeologists found a long skulled person placed next to a round skulled person. The archaeological explanation of prehistoric peoples was that the ancient Britons had long skulls, these were found in long barrows, and the much later round skulled people were immigrants of the European Beaker Culture. Recent carbon dating of the two different shaped skulls blew that old theory out of the water, as the skulls were contemporary. In prehistoric times, these people were living side by side.
Belas Knap long mound showing the false entrance

Belas Knap side chamber showing its elongated shape

A side chamber contained several elongated skulls
Lanhill elongated long mound, near Chippenham, Wiltshire.
Elongated skulls were unearthed in the chamber.
The long mound is open to the public. ST:87774.

The cult of the Goddess
During the Neolithic period at an unknown date, which was probably around 3000-2500 BC, the Elongated Ones were murdered. I think that these people were a part of a leading Goddess culture contemporary to the Maltese culture. A fleeting glimpse of the Maltese dolichocephalic skulls bears a resemblance to the Stonehenge people.

Stonehenge Photo ©2015
Maria Wheatley
Is there any evidence of a Goddess Cult in the Stonehenge environs? It is interesting to note that the orientation of the Salisbury Plain long barrows, as well as Phase I Stonehenge is lunar. The Sun once rose at 50 º at midsummer and 130º at midwinter. Only 20 percent of the Stonehenge long barrows are either north or south of this arc. Whereas the Moon rose at 42º at its most northeasterly to 144 º at its most southeasterly and nine in ten long barrows are orientated within the lunar degree range. Only one long barrow called Wilsford South 13 faces 37 degrees northeast just north of it.
Seventeen out of the total number of surviving long barrows surveyed faced east. One could argue that this is the direction of the Equinox sunrise, and of course, this is correct. However, during its intricate cycle, the rising Full Moon shares this cardinal point on the horizon. Dawn’s equinox sunrays light up the dark chambers of the eastern aligned barrows with splendid light. But, so does the Full Moon’s silver light. Perhaps both solar and lunar alignments were intended. However, upon closer inspection the lunar alignments appear far more accurate.
Phase 1 Stonehenge The value of the number 56
Around 3100 BC, Phase 1 of Stonehenge was constructed during the reign of the elongated people. It is one of the earliest structures. A double henge bank was constructed and a circle of 56 bluestones created a large stone circle. The highly polished bluestones appeared like the star spangled sky- dark blue stone flecked with white feldspar was a sight to behold.
The Moon and the Sun were untied by the mathematics within this circle by the number 56. 56 is almost three times the years taken to complete the retrograde nodal cycle of the Moon (3×18.61=55.83). However by calculating the difference in days between three solar years of 365.242 days and three lunar years of thirteen lunation’s each (3×29.53×13)-(3×365.242)=55.95, which is closer to 56. Or five years, each of 12 lunations, taken to the nearest first decimal 5×29.5×12 – (5×365.2)= 56. Clearly the Moon’s relationship and the bluestone stone circle is clear.
The Moon has long been associated with the Goddess and a matriarchal culture. The Heel Stone is contemporary to the bluestone circle and was aligned to the Moon. We are all far more familiar with the Heel Stone’s world famous alignment with the Sun – which is actually less accurate than its earlier lunar orientation. In fact, it is a degree and nearly 2 metres from the correct position if intended as a solar alignment. However, the lunar alignment which is a thousand years earlier was precise. As testimony to the power of the Moon as a symbol of the goddess cult, the Heel Stone was raised to mark the midswing position of the Moon’s northernmost moonrise. During the Moon’s complex Metonic cycle of 18.61 years, at the exact midpoint, the Full Moon would rise over the horizon and appear above the tapering crest of the Heel Stone.
In the 1920’s, Colonel Hawley uncovered six lines of postholes across the causeway, which were interpreted by the amateur astronomer, C.A. ‘Peter’ Newham, as temporary sighting devices used by Neolithic man to plot and record the moon’s intricate cycle. At the winter solstice 2010, the Full Moon rose above the Heel Stone marking the midway cycle, and yet that major event went by unnoticed. In contrast, 30,000 people gathered for the less accurate solar sunrise that year! The Heel Stone was, and still is, a lunar marker-stone. It is tempting to think that the Neolithic High Queen of elongated skulled people saw this majestic event.
Total control – a New World Order
Everything changed in the Bronze Age. The male-orientated round skulled Bronze Age Solar Cult dominated the communities of ancient Britain. At Stonehenge, the narrow lunar entrance that poetically aligned to the Moon’s pale silvery light was widened so that the Sun at Midsummer would become the focus. It still is. The Bronze Age people redesigned the existing megalithic features of Stonehenge.
Additionally, as an act of supreme control and dominance, the round skulled Bronze Age people systematically ‘closed down’ and eternally sealed all of the Neolithic elongated people’s long barrows- throughout the UK. Any remaining elongated long skulls were placed inside of the mounds as a new era of control was dawning. The once moonlit chambers and passageways of the long mounds were in-filled with tons of earth making them impenetrable and finally the mounds were eternally sealed by placing a large blocking stone or tightly packed earth across the entrance. They would never be entered again. Not one long barrow escaped this fate. It was not until the 1950s that the impacted earth from long barrows such as West Kennet long mound, near Avebury, was dug out by archaeologists.
It is my opinion that the reason the long barrows were sealed around 2500 BC was to erase the memory of the Elongated Ones and their Lunar goddess worship. The Solar Bronze Age cult bore weapons and land ownership prevailed. Materialistic attitudes dominated the new group mindset and lavish jewels and gold were buried in the newly designed round barrows; round like their skulls and the Sun’s blazing disc. The memory of the Elongated people faded. They were eradicated and forgotten until a dowsing rod found them and their story began to remerge from the sacred site that held them.
To some, Britain is often seen as a backwater of prehistoric culture, outshone by the later cultures of Egypt and South America. Yet it is clear from the evidence which I have presented that the Stonehenge Elongated Ones were the original Western spiritual leaders that created the largest monuments in prehistoric Europe.
It is not beyond the realms of possibility that some of the Stonehenge Elongated people escaped persecution or simply travelled overseas. The Celts are famous for their thick flowing and beautiful red hair. Did they escape to inspire the dawning of a new culture in warmer climes? Or were they a part of a recognised global priesthood and the Stonehenge people simply fled to the safety of their extended spiritual family.
Let us not forget, that these enigmatic and distant people selected the esoteric location of England’s spiritual capital – Stonehenge – which would later become the ionic megalithic temple of Stonehenge.
Bronze Age round barrow
Skeletons with broad and round skull shapes ‘brachycephalic’ were buried within round barrows and the ‘hyper-dolichocephalic’ skull shapes were buried in the long elongated mounds.

Comparison of elongated skulls

Comparing the skulls of the Stonehenge people to that of the Alans shows a similarity. The Alans or Halani were an Iranian people of antiquity who were documented by the Chinese during the 1st century BC. They lived near the Aral Sea under the name of Yancai. Skull remains show how these people practiced skull modification. The illustration shows two central Alans skulls which are on display at Yverdon History Museum. The sketched skulls are from the Stonehenge environs, and the outer skull examples are the remains of the Neolithic High Queen previously mentioned.
Admittedly, the North African and South American elongated skulls are much larger and more pronounced than the surviving UK examples. Nefertiti’s famous stone sculpture shows her long elongated skull and neck, which may have been artistically exaggerated. Certainly, Tutankhamen’s skull, (Akhenaton’s son), was identified, as a dolichocephalous cranium is additional evidence for a ruling elite status and is probably closer to the British Neolithic skull type which was said to be dolichocephalous and also ‘hyper-dolichocephalous’, which would be more pronounced than Tutankhamen’s skull.
It is a historical fact that the British Neolithic era of the Elongated Ones predates the Egyptian royal examples that I have quoted by c2700 years and the Paracas culture by over 4000 years, which makes the hyper-dolichocephalous Stonehenge skulls amongst the oldest elongated examples in the world. Other comparison examples tell a similar story. For instance, the craniums of the Stonehenge people and the cranium samples from Malta are similar; although a closer inspection is required to fully analysis the skull types. Such contemporary comparisons may hint at a global priesthood. These people were also the intellectual designers of prehistoric monuments and geomancers that noted the energetic quality of the land and the astronomer-priests who studied the movement of celestial bodies.

Facial profiles of Nefertiti and a noble European woman
Based on Tutankhamen’s professionally reconstructed facial features, we applied his dolichocephalic skull features to that of a Neolithic woman of ancient Briton. Instead of making her hair long and loose, we decided to present her with a braid to show her skull profile. She may have resembled our noble Stonehenge High Queen as the skull shape would have looked similar; although obviously not identical. Certainly, our reconstruction gives you a visual impression of what the Stonehenge Elongated Ones may have looked like.

The famous reconstruction of Tutankhamen and our reconstruction of a Stonehenge
Neolithic woman – a High Queen ©2015 Ned Wheatley
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The Last Prehistoric Ritual Killing at Stonehenge