America’s Stonehenge: Earth Energy Survey – Part 1
By Research Author and Master Dowser Maria Wheatley.
©2021 Maria Wheatley.
The earth energies of America’s Stonehenge are remarkably similar to those found at megalithic sites in the British Isles, such as Stonehenge and Avebury. All three sites have the same design canon of a geospiral earth energy pattern as a focus for a special stone. A geospiral is the spiral-shaped surface energy pattern of a deep underground water source that is chemically produced within the Earth and is independent of rainfall such as a blind spring, or aquifer, which I call ‘yin water’. Stonehenge’s ‘special’ stone is the near-central megalith called the Altar Stone, which is unique as it is the only standing stone in the complex that is of greenish Old Red Sandstone sourced from the Brecon Beacons area of south-east Wales, and it purposefully marked a 7-coiled geospiral.

Fig.1 Survey by Master Dowser, G. Underwood in 1960.
In the 18th century, William Stukeley called the near-centre standing stone of Avebury’s southern inner circle the ‘Obelisk Stone’. This stone is unique as it was the tallest standing stone in the complex that was placed above a large 7-coiled geospiral. Mirroring this design, the Sacrifice Stone of America’s Stonehenge is likewise set above a 7-coiled geospiral see Fig.2., and the stone can be regarded as special due to its unique appearance. My experiments have shown that the Hertz frequency emitted by a geospiral is usually around 7-10 Hz that is considered to be healing, calming and soothing that equates to 7Hz of Alpha brain waves; although seasonal influences can cause fluctuations.

Fig. 2. A 7-coiled geospiral
Water that is placed upon a geospiral will become imbued with geodetic energy and this is why the mason’s that designed the early mediaeval churches in Britain placed a stone font above it. I inherited all of the geodetic surveys and manuscripts of the Master Dowser G. Underwood from my late father, and I have now been dowsing and surveying ancient sites worldwide longer than Underwood himself. He first noted the intriguing relationship between basin stones and geospirals. Basin stones are commonly recumbent stones on the upper surface of which there is invariably a circular impression or impressions that collect rain. These basins seldom measure more than 3-4ft in diameter and there is always a channel through which surplus water drains away. They are usually found above a geospiral that bestows sanctity upon water lying above it, thus designating the supply as ‘Holy Water’, as it was believed that water gathered from the basin had a healing or sacred properties. I suggest that this is the case for the Sacrifice Stone that was originally designed as a type of basin stone for the collection of Holy Water and thus placed above a geospiral. Additionally, I noted that the Sacrifice Stone shares a similar design feature to the St. Canna’s Healing Stone, in Wales, see Fig. 2. and Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Canna’s Stone

Fig. 4. The Sacrifice Stone
Born in 510AD, St. Canna founded churches at both Llangan and Llanganna, in Carmarthenshire, Wales, and in her church at Llangan can be found the record of a holy well called Fynnon Ganna (Canna’s Holy Well) and an unusual shaped and grooved stone inscribed with the name ‘Carina’. Today, the well is no longer evident and the stone is sadly not in situ; however, its former location was above a large geospiral. Writing in 1881, Wirt Sykes in his British Goblins says that ‘among the existing stones in Wales with which the ancient ideas of occult power are connected, one in Carmarthenshire is probably unique of its kind. It is called Canna’s Stone, and lies in a field adjoining the old church of Llangan, now remote from the population whose ancestors worshipped in it. The church was founded by an Armorican lady of rank named Canna, who was sainted. The stone in question forms a sort of chair, and was used in connection with a magic well called Ffynon Canna [Ffynon Ganna], which is now, like the church, deserted and wretched. Patients suffering from ague, in order to profit by its healing power, must sit on Canna’s Stone so the effect of the water was supposed to be made sure. The process was continued for some days, sometimes for two or three weeks.’
Possibly, this is an ancient prehistoric stone that was adopted by St Canna for a healing Christian rite that has its root in paganism. The relationship of the healing stone and water from the nearby well, which may have been originally placed in the stone’s groove would echoe the early tradition of healing water collected from basin stones, and the following description of the Canna stone’s healing ritual appeared in 1875 in Archaeologia Cambrensis. ‘The church (Llangan) is a poor and dilapidated structure, now disused. The chair, a nearly cubical stone, slightly hollowed upon the upper surface, with the legend “Carina” running along its edge, stands or rather lies in an adjoining field. Tradition has assigned a peculiar virtue to this stone in connection with the sacred well now at a little distance from it, but formerly, to judge from the great moisture of the soil, springing up at its base. Patients, after bathing a specified number of times in the well, were required to sit or lie a certain number of hours on the stone.’ Writing in the 12th century, Geoffrey of Monmouth states that Stonehenge can produce a healing remedy when water is mixed with slight scrapings from the stones that can heal wounds and the sick. He wrote: “there is not a stone [at Stonehenge] without healing virtue”. Undoubtedly, water and stone can create a healing concoction at Stonehenge, St. Canna’s Stone and possibly the Sacrifice Stone.
Yin and Yang Underground Streams
The original survey of America’s Stonehenge showed that underground streams were neatly associated with all of the structure’s walls. I do not think that this is a correct interpretation, as it has been noted that structures can produce a dowseable energy called a remanence line and some of the so-called underground streams that are associated with walls and structures at America’s Stonehenge appear to be remanence lines–which may not have been known in the era of the survey. For example, one aspect of a remanence line is that it can follow any disturbance in the earth, such as a foundation plan of a building. For a more detailed and holistic understanding of America’s Stonehenge, I have interpreted the polarity of the underground streams some of which were previously dowsed, and in some instances, I have altered their course, determined their flow direction, and their emergence and convergence points. Underground streams and earth currents can emerge (energy rises with force) or converge (energies meet) at sacred sites and emergence points are especially powerful areas, which are marked ‘E’ and ‘C’ on the survey. Certainly, America’s Stonehenge does have powerful yin underground streams associated with some of the structure’s walls that emit a soothing and healing energy and these are shown in purple on the survey. There are several more yin and yang streams associated with point ‘C’, however, for the sake of simplicity I have omitted them on the survey Fig. 5. The survey’s light blue flows show the course of groundwater–rainwater that sinks into the ground (yang water). When a yin and yang underground stream flow together this is known in geodetic dowsing terms as a ‘Holy Line’, which bestows balance and equilibrium to the area. Stonehenge U.K. has several holy lines that mark the position of earthworks and standing stones as does America’s Stonehenge is yet another similarity.

Fig. 5 Earth Energy survey
Earth Currents
The original survey only showed water lines and ley lines and I have also included the main earth currents. In the mid-1980s, research by dowsers such as Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst noted that a major ley line can have two serpentine earth currents that flow and meander around it like the caduceus symbol. One current is yin and the other yang and these were first described in writing by Chinese Feng Shui Masters in 2000BC.
In Fig. 5, I located the major ley at America’s Stonehenge and depicted it as a brown line with an arrow to show its directional flow. I think this line may be intimately associated with the two earth currents also shown in Fig. 5; the orange male earth current emerges from a structure and the green female earth current flows along several structures.
Earth Energy Experiments
Alongside Rodney Hale, I conducted several experiments to ascertain the frequency of earth energies at Avebury, in Wiltshire, England, which contains the world’s largest stone circle. Using sensitive electronic equipment an area just south of the Obelisk marker stone was chosen as the yin and yang earth currents flow co-terminously at this location. Rodney used two electronic copper-based probes that were set in the ground 75cm apart, which could detect and record electromagnetic energy. The recordings were limited to frequencies below 30 Hz as man-made frequencies range from 50 Hz, 33.3 Hz and 25 Hz. Curiously, there were often huge ‘kicks’ of energy input being recorded that overloaded the equipment, which made the short duration recording totally unstable and extremely difficult to analyse. Was the joined earth current’s energy too great at this location? We decided to move to the southern portal stones where the female current known as ‘Mary’ enters Avebury’s stone circles and made a 10-minute recording on the earth current and some unexpected frequencies were recorded. The following graph is a spectrogram of the results, the dense vertical lines are the interfering man-made frequencies amidst general noise, but along the length of the spectrogram three faint and irregular horizontal lines can just be discerned, at about 24, 18 and 10 Hz. These strange anomalous signals are the first solid recording of the electromagnetic frequency levels emitted by an earth current.

Fig. 6 Electromagnetic readings of earth energy
Megalithic Energy
Standing stones that are rooted into powerful earth energy lines or patterns will produce energy-bands known as band transmissions. Taller stones are said to have 5 bands above ground and two below making a total of 7 which I equate to the chakras. The stone absorbs the earth energy and transmits it in a laser-like beam of aerial electromagnetic ley-energy. Band 2 transmits energy lines to local stones, such as those in a stone circle or along, and around, a megalithic chamber. Band 4 is associated with energy transmissions to distant stones or stone circles; connecting sacred site to sacred site across vast distances in a WiFi-like network! Would we be able to detect megalithic band energy with our equipment?
For Rodney’s recordings and measurements, I located the bands using a dowsing rod and these were marked in chalk and their positions measured. Rodney used a Wide-band (low Mhz) untuned receiver, a R.F. Spectrum Analyser and electronic equipment for recording any electromagnetic signals to either prove or disprove their existence. Stone 101 in Avebury’s southern circle was chosen for the first test, as it is one of the few stones that has not been re-erected and set in concrete. For clarity in illustrating our results, the energy-bands on Stone 101 are shown as digitally produced coloured bands in Fig. 8. When the wide-band receiver was used the sound output from it (a general buzz or hiss) was recorded as the instrument was slowly and steadily raised from ground level to a height of 2 metres, which mirrored the dowsing technique. The signal strength has been plotted against the height of the stone for two separate tests and the width of the trace represents the strength of the signal. Notice that the electromagnetic signal correlates with the position of the energy bands. The strongest trace recorded was at Band 2, which is said to transmit energy to other standing stones, and if megaliths can pass on and receive this energy, one would expect this band to be the strongest. After analysing the data Rodney concludes that statistically there is a definite correlation between the energy bands and the recorded signal, and so this strongly suggests that the energy-bands really do exist and emit electromagnetic energy.
Experience the band’s force
Band 3 produces a strange energy that can affect one’s balance. Place the palms of the hand against it and lean at an angle of 45 degrees to the stone with your feet in tiptoe position. If you empty your mind of all thoughts, you will find that a force will push you either to the left or right. The direction of the force varies according to the lunar phases as it waxes and wanes. This can be experienced at America’s Stonehenge on the taller standing stones. Furthermore, at America’s Stonehenge, the bands will produce a long energy line that flows along the stones within the stone chambers and along the serpentine walls.
In this earth energy analysis, there are many similarities between Stonehenge in England and America’s Stonehenge; such as the 7-coiled geospiral, ley lines, earth energies, holy lines and megalithic energy. In Part 2, I will explore other megalithic designs at America’s Stonehenge and demonstrate near-identical characteristics to the ceremonial landscapes of the British Isles and Europe.

Fig. 7 Above Ground Energy Bands

Fig. 8 Megalithic Band Energy