Summer Solstice Tour of Ireland

How did the Fae become the fairy, the Little Folk, and how do we reclaim their grandeur? Archons, Demons, Djinn and Fairies…these are NOT different names for the same thing. The sacred spaces and sites which adorn our planet suggest, at the very least, an elegant and multi-layered presence of the Highest Order.
Join us as we encounter the remnants and clues left to us as well as the evidence of a mighty race, the Fae, who arrived from the stars to seed this planet, our ancestors and our birthright. This is a glorious description of the Fae and their original conquests, the first humans, and their legacy to the present day including analysis of megaliths and sacred sites, the role of the Catholic Church and the all-out attempt to hide that they ever existed!
What does it mean for humanity? Cara St.Louis is an author, researcher and activist from the American Southwest. Her work ranges from the aerosol war to the fraudulent historical timeline to this, the rebirth of a seed race from another planet. She will do in situ lectures on the Fae at each site and the occasional workshop, depending on time constraints.
Maria Wheatley is a second-generation Master Dowser who has been dowsing sacred sites for over 25 years. Maria has been to Ireland many times and is familiar with the various types of earth energies and ley lines that were skillfully incorporated into the geometry of numerous sites across Ireland.

Ireland is an enchanted island and the home of our Celtic ancestors. In times by, the ancient Druidic priesthood were the wise Seers and spiritual rulers of the land.
To the Druids the land was alive, every rock, stream, river or spring was a living being. They located the invisible ley lines and energy patterns and placed mounds and cairns upon them.
We will explore some of the finest megalithic sites in Ireland, experience and dowse their invisible energies that imbue them with healing and uplifting energy.
We will explore male and female centers, cairns, and the power places of Ireland that span the Neolithic, Bronze and Druidic Iron Age covering 6000 years of history.
WHOLE TOUR £2165. PLEASE EMAIL to register
Day 1 – Sunday June 17th 2018

From the Neolithic period to the 12th century The Hill of Tara has been regarded as a sacred location.
The 11th century Book of Invasions documents that Tara was the seat of the High Kings of Ireland in the times of the Fir Bolg and the Tuatha De Danann.
Within the protective earthen enclosure of Tara is the Mound of Hostages, which is an ancient passage tomb. Constructed more than 5000 years ago, the short inner passageway is aligned to the sunrise of Imbolc on February 1st and November 1st, which are sacred Fire Festival Days. On these days, the veil between this world and the Otherworld grows thin when we can commune with the ancestors and Spirit World.
Tara was a place which gave guidance to the Irish Kings and Druid leaders and is still inspiring today. We will walk around and within the earthen enclosure and the touch the Stone of Destiny.
Interacting with the sacred energies of Tara We will attune to the esoteric heart of Ireland and explore the energies of Mother Earth which imbue this site with power.
We will locate a large circular earth energy pattern that embraces the site that set the location and its size. We will also discover a major ley line that courses through the site and make a personal connection to the mystical land of Ireland.
We will be staying at Newgrange Lodge Donore Co Meath

Day 2 – Monday 18th June 2018

After Breakfast, we will visit the amazing Megalithic site of Newgrange. Constructed over 5000 years ago, Newgrange pre-dates the Pyramids and Stonehenge. For centuries, Newgrange was at the heart of an advanced Neolithic Age civilization inhabiting the Valley of the Boyne.
Creating a celestial link to the heavens, Newgrange was alignment to face the rising sun at the Winter Solstice and it is intimately associated with the star Sirius.
Deemed a megalithic burial mound by archaeologists, Newgrange is far more than simply a tomb. Many researchers suggest the monument was once used as an initiation chamber which will be explored in detail.
Large round structures are located within the heart of the so-called burial chambers. What were they used for? We will explore the energies and the esoteric meaning of this wonderful sacred site.

We will visit Knowth via shuttle bus from the New Grange visitor Centre.
The Great Mound has two passages with entrances on opposite sides, the western passage is 34 meters long and the eastern passage is 40 meters long, ending with an impressive cruciform chamber. The megalithic artwork is stunning adding to the splendour of Ireland’s Neolithic past.

Day 3 – Tuesday 19th June 2018

Aligned to face the equinox sunrise the back stone is illuminated twice a year bringing solar power and illumination to the inner cairn.
“The tombs are located on three different hills and Cairn T, one of the largest tombs in the complex, is situated on Cairnbane East. Inside this tomb lies a cruciform chamber, a corbelled roof and some of the most beautiful examples of Neolithic art in Ireland.”
Loughcrew’s corbelled roof will provide us with another opportunity to interact with the earth energies and the Spirit of Place.
The rich artwork adds beauty to this mystical temple space.

There are many forms of underground water and at this sacred site, we will explore an array of underground serpentine streams and earth flows.
A grid line crossing at the Hags Chair can open a communication with Higher Energies which we will experience. Or, the grid energy can simply unblock and open the throat chakra helping us to communicate and speak with gentle power. Outstanding views make this location an Irish gem.
We will be staying at Clarion Hotel in Sligo.

Day 4 – Wednesday 20th June 2018

Author E. A. James Swagger discovered that during Midwinter the setting stars of Cassiopeia, the celestial Goddess, aligns with the Carrowkeel barrows.
The mountain range containing Carrowkeel is called the Bricklieve Mountains, meaning the speckled mountains in Irish, a possible reference to the appearance of the quartz covered cairns causing them to sparkle in the sun and moonlight.
Three sacred passage ‘tombs’ are accessible and some can be entered by crawling through a narrow passageway. But what is really special about these cairns, which we know that you will find truly incredible is that they are constructed of pure white quartz. With outstanding views, this ancestral landscape is truly unforgettable.

The cairn chambers take you from the ordinary to the extraordinary. As you enter the quartz inner chambers you find yourself being surrounded and embraced by crystal.
Touch the white quartz walls and feel its splendour. You are inside a megalithic quartz white chamber! Words cannot express the energy of this sacred temple space. The quartz gives sound energy work extra potency and even quite contemplation brings blissful contentment, as few people venture here, the choice of what you do here will be yours.
On the outside, the cairns are equally stunning and were likewise finished off with white quartz, perhaps representing the white bright stars of Cassiopeia. Blending astronomical precision with captivating beauty, the stars last light aligned perfectly with the cairns just before their midwinter setting. The exactitude of this alignment to within 1 degree of accuracy is proof that the megalithic builders were Master mathematicians, engineers, and astronomers. Looking out of the cairn and seeing the star set must have held a deep and profound meaning.

There is also a spectacular Summer Solstice sunset alignment at Cairn G.

We will have lunch at a traditional Irish Inn.
In the afternoon, we will visit the stunning Carrowmore complex

Several of the dolmens are surrounded by a stone kerb constructed with the large rounded sections of granite that generates natural radiation that can alter consciousness.

Day 5 – Thursday 21st June 2018 – The Summer Solstice

With the feel of the Divine Feminine, the energy of the site is uplifting and expands the aura. We will dowse our auras for colour and size prior to entering and then dowse to see the startling changes as we leave!
After lunch, we will visit Grianan of Aileach, a Bronze Age and Druidic Site.
The Grianan of Aileach is one of the royal sites of Gaelic Ireland and is truly magical with a Spirit of Place that is inspiring and unforgettable.

The main structure is a stone ring thought to have been built by the Northern Uí Néill, in the sixth or seventh century AD. However, there is evidence that the site had been in use long before the fort was built. It has been identified as the seat of the Kingdom of Ailech and one of the royal sites of Gaelic Ireland. The wall is about 4.5 metres (15 ft) thick and 5 metres (16 ft) high.
Once you are inside there are three terraces, which are linked by steps, and two long passages within it. Three is a sacred number of the Druids, we shall see how they liken the chakras of Hindu lore to Cauldrons, and Maria will lead a meditation to open and activate the chakra-cauldrons.
Between the two outer banks on the south side of the hill, is the formerly covered spring well which is dedicated to St. Patrick.
Day 6 – Friday 22nd June 2018
This is your invitation to the Sovereign Imagination Studio Workshop developed and led by Cara St. Louis. Together we construct a material meditation specifically for YOU, using methods which help you understand deeply what you are constructing and why it does what it does. What does it do? It allows you to reclaim control of your own thoughts. Imagination plus will = magic. This is who we truly are, The Original Magicians. However, every attempt has been is being and perhaps will be made to distract us from our own authentic thinking or use our power for other purposes.
Step One is regaining control of your own mind. There are two portions to the workshop. The first requires that you bring with you a dozen or so images that speak deeply to you. They can be from magazines, newspapers, copies of photos, tarot cards…any image that really speaks to you. We will work with these to our own purposes. Additionally, since the use of the will is fundamental to this meditation, you will need a pen and notebook in which to take notes. No recordings will be allowed unless you have a serious physical reason that writing cannot be managed. In the end, you will understand how to create a thought wave form, how to locate the UR or protoype of something, and consciously make contact with the morphogenic field. At that point, there is no stopping you!
Farewell evening.
Day 7 – Saturday 23rd June 2018
The tour includes bed and breakfast for the dates outline above, transportation fees for the duration of the tour, an allocated pick up and drop off time at Dublin International Airport and the entrance fees to all of the ancient sites and. The tour excludes all meals, drinks and international flights to and from Dublin. Overseas guests must have personal travel insurance. Hotels and timings of events may be subject to change.