Magical West Wales

A long weekend (3 day tour) exploring Magical West Wales

Tour includes transportation costs and two nights in a 4 star hotel. Meals and drinks are excluded. Email to discuss your proposed dates.

£590 per person based on the minimum of x2 people sharing a room.

Private Tours start from £150. Please email Maria at for more details or telephone 44 (0)1672 511427 to discuss your requirements.

Day 1 Pentre Ifan

With outstanding views the setting of this Neolithic dolmen is truly spectacular. Standing in the north east of Carningli Mountains, the monument dates back to 3500 BC. The body of the cairn has been removed but the stones are full of life and energy. The capstone is said to weigh around 16 tons and it points at the Nevern River. Furthermore, the sloping capstone as seen from the east side of the site looking west follows the exact contours as the northern slope of the Carningli Mountain, leading your eye to the mouth of the Nevern Estuary at Newport.

Full of spirit of place and energy Pentre Ifan is a wonder of Wales. The capstone encourages the rising earth energy to flow up  the stones and to be released downward – so sitting in the chamber feels amazing. Sited close to a powerful grid line of a global grid system adds to the meaning of this ancient site.

After a relaxing lunch we can visit Carreg Coetan Arthur which is just a few minutes away.  Dating from 5000 years ago the site consists of four upright stones which appear to support a mighty capstone, there is no evidence that it was used for burial and it appears more like an oracle chamber.

Around 34 minutes away is Carreg Samson Overlooking the sea and standing alone in a remote in a field, this dolmen is truly amazing. Inside it is a temple space of balance; bringing the yin-yang within to harmonize. This can be seen in the deliberate placement of the feminine triangular shaped stones and the other male stones. It creates a perfect setting for re-balancing and regenerating.

The stones have been worked (dressed) and appear highly charged and adding to their strength you can see large chunks of quartz’s in the front stones.

This is not a site about death but a site for the living and Carreg Samson teaches and reminds us that balance promotes inner happiness and health.

Day 2 Craig Rhosyfelin bluestones and Gors Fawr stone circle

Craig Rhosyfelin is one of the sources of the bluestones of Stonehenge. Standing like a large megalith, the entire site is fully of energy that can be sensed and felt.  You can see in the quarry the shape of megaliths

According to Old Chinese geomancy lore, earth energy is strong in mountains and hillsides and especially so if it is full of bluestone that is three times more magnetic than any other stone in England!

We will dowse for the energy levels, colour frequencies of the stones, and decode which ones are at Stonehenge.

After lunch we will go to Gors Fawr stone circle.

Nestling in view of the bluestone Prescelly Mountains, this attractive setting adds beauty to this stone circle. Sixteen stones make a circle of 73 feet (22.3 metres) in diameter.  One of the stones is a bluestone and bluestones are associated with healing properties.

Around 440 feet (134 metres) to the north east of ring are  two outliers. One of which forms a seat like a megalithic throne, which often displays a magnetic hotspot with a hand held magnetic compass (not using a mobile cell phone). Their north-east alignment looks towards the Summer Solstice sunrise. We will dowse for the geodetic system of earth energies such as a primary halo and track lines

Optional extras:

A one-hour talk with Busty Taylor on crop circles.

Busty was the first crop circle pilot to take photographs of the crop circles. Whilst he states that there are numerous hoaxes in the fields today, his own journey discovered that some crop circles were genuine. In 1987 he was amazed to find long rapeseed stalks within a crop circle had been bent by 90 degrees forming a right angle and the stalks still remain like that today. Rapeseed stalks outside of the crop circle remained straight and ‘normal’. He will permit you to view the stalks and discuss the implications of this incredible find. Some crop circles include certain earth energies that dictated their position. These crop circles held an ‘energetic numerical space’ that acts like a portal, which the ancient Chinese geomants described as a numerical grid will fascinate you.

Readings with Maria Wheatley

Past life Astrological reading. Feel connected to the landscape? Feel that you lived a life before this one? Maria’s book Druidic Soul Star Astrology was published by the late and great Dolores Cannon’s publishing company. Maria’s branch of astrology transforms your astrological birth chart into the sign of the Heart Chakra and planets therein represent and describe in detail your most significant past lives. People from all over the world are amazed by the readings and begin to understand their lives more as they resonate with the chart.

Buy the book here

Maria has been practising past life therapy and regression since 1996. She has regressed numerous people and explored their past lives in detail, received soul messages and healed age-old wounds.