The Earth Colours – working with the colour frequencies of Gaia

Group Skype Course

Beginning Friday January 10th 6 pm GMT London time

A course of 7 lessons every Friday for seven weeks.

Limited to 8 students to ensure excellent teaching

£295 pay in full

Pay per lesson one week in advance £53

Pay in full – £295

Pay per lesson – £53

In the 1990s, Maria Wheatley was taught by her late father, and a top European Master Dowser, how to dowse and interpret the earth colours that leys, earth currents and underground water emits. She is the most experienced high frequency colour dowser in the UK. Colour dowsing allows us to fully understand an earth current by its ‘dominate’ colour and frequency. For example, an earth current that is red electric will influence the land and living organisms. If a horse is stabled above this energy it could become restless and aggressive. We all react to earth energy differently and Maria will teach you to identify how an earth colour influences the occupants of a household – people react to the earth colours differently.


The fascinating course consists of seven one-hour personal lessons to ensure a high standard of teaching. Understand Gaia and live in harmony with her electromagnetic colours.

This course comes with a recording of the lesson, a dowsing handout and a colour dowsing aid designed by Maria Wheatley specifically to dowse the earth colours. Aspects of this are course covered in the Master Practitioner Course Level 2 and you can take this course if you already have dowsing experience or simply want to learn how to use colour to heal the home. If you have no dowsing experience you may require an extra lesson to go through the basic dowsing principles.

Maria draws upon decades of experience. She has enhanced the way to dowse for the colour frequency of water; and more importantly designed a colour dowsing aid that describes how earth colours affect people, plants and animals. it is simple and very easy to use.

You will need
A pair of L-rods, a pendulum and a dowsing colour aid (supplied dowsing aid will be emailed).

This course explores in detail Gaia’s earth colours. Once we understand the colour harmonics of ley lines and earth energies, we can work with their light energies to cleanse and heal the land or your home. We can also use Gaia’s colours to communicate with the land and understand its hidden frequencies and dynamics.

The Earth Colours
All water and earth energies emit an energetic colours and a frequency although one dominant colour prevails. We will learn to identity and interpret the energy colour flows. A harmonic red line boosts energy and is fast flowing and deer follow protective blue lines in woods and through open countryside even during the darkest nights, as if they were lit.

Lessons 1-3
· We will explore the art of Colour Dowsing and the meaning of the 12 sacred Earth colours.

· How the Earth colours influence the land

· Colour healing the land by applying the Earth Colours to heal and negate toxic and stagnant energies – in the land or in the home – is a beautiful non-invasive yet highly effective way to harmonise energies.

· Communicate with the Earth and let Gaia decide which one of her colours she wants to work with. No need to harshly disturb her energy system by moving energy lines or underground streams; simply let your Earth Mother decide. She is 4 billion years old and is far more aware of her needs that you or I!

· We will discover the harmonic threefold colours of Geospirals, Stone Circles and temple spaces. There are three main spiritual earth colours and these are emitted by geospirals chosen to mark the esoteric centre of a sacred site.

Lessons 4-7
Colour dowsing reveals how living organisms are affected by ley and earth energy colour frequencies. Several people may live above the same energy line but each individual may respond differently to its colour harmonics. Maria Wheatley discovered how Colour Dowsing can accurately reveal how the energy is influencing an individual’s auric field as the subtle bodies are especially sensitive to earth energy.

Hauntings and other psychic phenomenon are attractive to particular earth colours, all of which can be harmonised and healed.

We will also explore how the earth colours can be used to understand the mineral properties of underground water.

How to enhance ordinary tap or bottle water by using colour to increase its living force.

If you wish to take this to certificate level, an assignment will be given to you at the end of the course. This allows Maria to access your merits, and how to bring you on if you need guidance.